Floral Terranes Abracadabra - Grain & Vine | Natural Wines, Rare Bourbon and Tequila Collection

Floral Terranes Abracadabra

$ 18

Yes, “Abracadabra,” as in the Steve Miller Band song, but also, for the 2021 edition, now a magical blend of equal parts Merlot and skin-contact Chardonnay blended after fermentation.

You might say this makes no sense, and maybe you’d be right. But this is no joker. The magic of “Abracadabra” doesn’t have to make sense (by its very nature shouldn’t make sense) and how these two grapes come together to make a Long-Island-gone Italian, space cowboy wine I don’t really know. But they do, and it does. And it’s really delicious. This wine is a gangster of love.

Though it is half Chardonnay, this presents more as a light red wine; an earthy Alto Piemonte from Long Island, though the wine is more playful, joyful. This bottle flies like an eagle, like a jet airliner; take the money and run to this wine.

For extra credit, find all seven Steve Miller Band titles in the above description.

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