Nashville Barrel Company 7 Years Barrel Aged Single Barrel Venezuelan Rum - Grain & Vine | Natural Wines, Rare Bourbon and Tequila Collection

Nashville Barrel Company 7 Years Barrel Aged Single Barrel Venezuelan Rum

$ 75

The Nashville Barrel Company 7 Years Barrel Aged Single Barrel Venezuelan Rum is a magnificent fusion of South American heritage and American aging expertise. Sourced from Venezuela, known for its rich rum-making tradition, this rum undergoes a meticulous 7-year aging process in single barrels at the Nashville Barrel Company, resulting in a product that is both unique and exceptional in quality.

Nose: The aroma is rich and inviting, showcasing the rum's tropical heritage and extended aging. It opens with a luscious blend of caramel, vanilla, and toasted oak. These are beautifully complemented by subtler notes of ripe banana, molasses, and a hint of spice, creating an intricate and appealing bouquet.

Palate: On the palate, this Venezuelan rum reveals its complexity and depth. The taste is a harmonious interplay of sweet and woody flavors. Initial notes of dark brown sugar and ripe tropical fruits blend seamlessly with the warmth and richness of the oak. Mid-palate, the rum introduces a subtle yet distinct spice, along with a hint of chocolate and coffee, adding layers of sophistication.

Finish: The finish is long, smooth, and luxuriously warming. It leaves a lasting impression of the rum's rich sweetness, balanced with the maturity of the barrel aging. Hints of dried fruit, oak, and a gentle spice linger on the palate, making the tasting experience both memorable and satisfying.

Nashville Barrel Company 7 Years Barrel Aged Single Barrel Venezuelan Rum is not just a spirit; it's a testament to the art of rum-making and barrel aging. Ideal for sipping neat or on the rocks, this rum is perfect for those who appreciate a well-aged, characterful spirit. Its depth and complexity also make it an excellent choice for premium rum cocktails.